Welcome to The Wotton Hatch || christie.e

I have been living in the UK for almost 9 months now and although I am trying very hard to keep up to date I have inevitably fallen way behind so I thought I may just have to start skipping ahead a little bit. I thought I should start posting all the little adventures Michael and I have had in between our big holidays just so I’m not still writing when I get home next year because at this rate I definitely would be.

What better place to start than our new – now pretty old – home. I use the word home very loosely here. When we moved Michael and I signed up with The London Pub company who procured us jobs at a little place called The Wotton Hatch. We’ve been here for going on 9 months and it still doesn’t feel like a ‘home’. Wotton is a tiny almost non – existent village in Surrey made up of our pub, a hotel and maybe 20 houses. The closest town is about 15 minutes by bus and by our standards it is still pretty small. It is an absolutely gorgeous area though and I have found that during summer there really is nothing better than sitting out in our garden with a drink or two watching the sunset over the hills. It genuinely is magical.

We live above the pub in the staff accommodation with the other staff who have had to move to work here – well not specifically here but I think you know what I mean. When I realised that I had to live in communal space I was a bit worried but since we’ve moved there has been a bit of a change up of staff and we’ve managed to get things cleaned up pretty well. Its not what we’re used to at home of course but for 33 pounds a week we manage.

This was the view from our window when we first arrived at the end of January. We were understandably excited at the event of having snow just outside our window being that neither us of has ever experienced that before being from Australia. You can also kind of see the road and on the other side the fields, just behind the roof are the hills. I have learnt that this area does summer much better than winter given that pretty much the only thing to do here is walk it’s kind of hard to do when it’s freezing outside and the ground is covered in snow.


Please excuse the mess but this is our room. We’ve since managed to make things a bit more homely just through our natural hoarding instincts. We were quite lucky with this room to be fair given it is one of the biggest and all the furniture was already in it so thankfully we havent really had to buy anything for it bar a couple bits and bobs. We did have to convince our boss to get a blind installed for us, I’m not sure how many of you know but the suns stays up basically all day in the summer here I mean it never really gets properly dark, so pulling our towels in front of the window never really worked that well for us and we would be up as soon as the sun came up. All is well now though, we have our blind and our sleeping patterns have drastically improved.

To be honest in the first few weeks of arriving here I hated the place wholeheartedly and was ready to jump on the next plane back to Australia but I am so thankful that we managed to stick it out because even though I kind of hate it at times I also really love it. I’ve met some exceptional people here and even though it is in the middle of nowhere it’s so close to everything due to England’s wonderful public transport system.

That’s really all there is to say about this place. I will try to keep up a bit better I promise.